Saturday 22 November 2014

Recycle Toilet Roll Minion

Recycle Toilet Roll Santa

Recycle Toilet Roll Olaf

Clay Foxie

Clay Mouse

Flowers Bouquet Using Recycles

Flowers Bouquet Using Recycles

Flowers Bouquet Using Recycles

Flowers Bouquet Using Recycles

Flowers Bouquet Using Recycles

Flowers Bouquet Using Recycles

Flowers Bouquet Using Recycles

Flowers Bouquet Using Recycles

Flowers Bouquet Using Recycles

Flowers Bouquets Using Recycles

Friday 15 August 2014

Xmas Present 2013

I made this as Christmas presents on one of the Christmas in 2013.

Chocolatey Morning

This is my favourite creation. Main reason is that I love chocolate, bear and bath:)

Happy Easter 2013

I made this out of paper clay for Easter in 2013.

Level of difficulty: Medium

Cuckoo Clock

I love cuckoo clock with its interesting sound and movement.

Level of difficulties: Medium

Tuesday 29 July 2014


I use natural branch, some wire and soft clay to create the above work. I hope to send the loving message to whoever to see them. 

Lady Bird

I would like to combine a leaf, a lady bird and a scallop shell for one reason.... they all derive from nature

Mini Angry Bird

Little Angry Bird created for my son to play